Category Archives: preparedness

May Stock Up

Here’s May’s stock up


April Stock Up

Welcome to April!

This month we have a solar eclipse! Some local governments are recommending caution due to large crowds and issues that can come with them. They’ve recommended having extra groceries, a full gas tank and other basics like that. I think most like minded individuals have these things anyways, but be cautious (as always) and if you watch the phenomenon make sure you protect your eyes!

April is when we start spending more time outside so I am also making sure I have things like sunscreen, garden supplies and seeds, and of course things like chalk and bubbles. Our foraging will also increase in April.

Make sure to keep an eye out for the following things on sale:

March Stock Update

March is nearly over! I hope everyone has had a good month full of celebrations. I’m so thankful to have a long weekend with my family.

I didn’t buy much on this stock up as any extra went towards the holiday meals and garden supplies (which count as stocking!). Here’s a quick example of some of the stuff I picked up.

The beans and lentils are quite cheap if you buy them dried and they last for a really long time if you store them properly. They’re even cheaper if you buy them in bulk, but little bags like this are perfect to pick up every time you shop as they’re only a couple dollars and they add to your stock quickly.

I like to buy our over the counter medications so that I have an open one, one on the shelf and one extra to put up then rotate through as they get used up. That way I never have to panic and run to an all night pharmacy when the kids wake up sick.

I use the same stocking system when it comes to other non perishables, such as the cleaning supplies I bought for March spring cleaning.

Its beginning to look like a greenhouse in my living room (the only place with good lighting) with seedlings and pots of dirt everywhere. I’ve also started foraging for early spring plants as they’re popping up everywhere and in large, sustainable amounts.

What did you get up to in March? Have you started seeds? Did you take advantage of the sales related to the holidays? Do you now have pounds and pounds of chocolate?

Make sure to follow us on social media to keep up with everything that doesn’t necessarily make it to the blog!

March Stock Up

March has so many different holidays in many cultures so there is all sorts of basic ingredients on sale! What better time to stock up?

For holidays we have (in order) Ramadan, Purim, St Patrick’s Day, Holi, Palm Sunday and Easter. In addition to the items on the stock up list, which is fairly generic, you can also find on sale lots of dried fruits, nuts and seeds. Corned beef and cabbage should be on sale near the middle of the month (and cabbage dehydrates wonderfully). Of course with Easter there’s mountains of sweets and hopefully we will see turkey or ham be on sale.

Additionally it’s a good time to grab oxygen absorbers, candles and garden seeds.

February Stock Up Update

Even with an extra day, February went quick around here. The stock up list was smaller in February than January, so I managed to stock up on more of the list.

I got oats and breakfast cereals on sale. The oats were repackaged into mylar for long term storage. Cereal never lasts long in this house.

I took GG’s pancake recipe (here) and froze a bunch for school day breakfasts. Of course I made sure I had extra syrup.

The price of coffee seems to be different every week, and not in a good way, so I grabbed the first sale I found (and it still wasn’t a great price). I also grabbed a large bag of rice that was featured for Lunar New Year.

Check back tomorrow to see March’s stock up list.

February Stock Up

Welcome to February!

Did January just zip by for anyone else? Pretty sure I just blinked and it was gone.

February’s stock up list is smaller than January’s and is mostly holiday driven. We’ve got Valentine’s day, Fat Tuesday and Lunar New Year specials to keep an eye out for.

We’ve got oatmeal and breakfast cereals as well as food bars (think nutri grain and granola bars) heading up our list. Oats especially keep for long periods of time if stored properly and can stretch out anything that has ground meat pretty cheaply.

Pancake mixes and syrups are of course on sale for Pancake Day (Fat Tuesday) which falls on the 13th this year. Mixes make whipping up these treats easy and quick. Just a note though, if you get the ‘add water’ only type mixes they may not keep as long as other mixes as they contain additional fats that can go rancid. These are best for regular rotation in your pantry, not a long term storage option. Syrups are a quick source of sugar and energy as well as being a good treat for morale in an emergency. (I think we all know that real maple syrup is better for us than the artificial stuff but the price is right on the latter. Choose what is best for your family)

Coffee often goes on sale in February however this year it seems like coffee prices have skyrocketed, so make sure you watch for sales. No one wants to be uncaffeinated. (Want to know more about storing coffee long term? Read here)

Candy! Valentine’s is all about the sweets. I’m personally hoping to get a bunch of cinnamon hearts which I will vacuum seal in mason jars. This will keep them fresh for a long time. You can do the same with other candies and keep in a cool, dry place for optimum storage. Keep an eye out the day after for half price sales.

Lastly Lunar New Year (February 10th in 2024) is a great time to stock up on Asian staples like rice, noodles and teas. Spices, cooking oils and produce are often on sale as well. And keep in mind, most Asian grocery stores sell butane for small stoves, not bad to have on hand.

Let me know what you’re stocking up on this month!

January Stock up Update

January Stock Up Update

January had a big list to start out the year. (you can find the original list here ) The goal of the stock up lists isn’t to convince you to go buy everything, but a compilation of things that are likely on sale to stretch your budget; if its something you need, you may as well get it cheaper, right?

You also don’t need to go to the big box store and buy the largest case of whatever. For example, I took one 6-pack of toilet paper out of the Costco pack and put it aside. You could put a single roll aside, or one bar of soap. Putting anything up is better than putting nothing up.

On the subject of soap, I got some toiletry sets for the holidays so I put some of that aside instead of spending additional money (’cause who has that in January?). A lot of stores also have left over gift sets from Christmas and you can pick them up for way less money than buying the same separate products off the shelf.

I didn’t personally get everything on the list. I dehydrated citrus left over from the holidays. A friend is buying bulk flour and yeast so I’m waiting on that to come in. Unfortunately hard wheat is out of my budget right now (#10 cans etc are pricey in Canada), and I didn’t find any great deals on health foods that my family likes. So know that you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to buy anything from anyone’s lists. Being prepared is a personal journey and you have to do what works best for you and your family otherwise you will just throw away money when things go bad or no one will use the items you bought.

Ready for February’s stock up list? It will be posted tomorrow!

January Stock Up

Starting now in January, I’ll be posting a monthly stock up list. I’ve looked through lots of trends and sales patterns to come up with the list I’ll be following.

Some of the items are seasonal while some you can switch around between months to suit your family better.

Remember to visit us on social media for more updates!

Scenario: settler winter

Here’s a quick scenario I posted on my social media accounts, let’s get YOUR thoughts!

Scenario time: it’s back to little house on the prairie. Winter is coming. You have nothing but the clothes on your back and a house. What do you need to survive winter (family of 4 let’s say)

Chive Blossom Vinegar

Every year I have a bumper crop of chives, regardless of the weather. I’ve started using the blossoms as I can’t possibly eat all the chives themselves, especially if I let them spread their seeds everywhere. My favorite way of using the flowers is making flavored vinegar.

Here’s a quick video we made:

Chive Blossom Vinegar


Simply fill a mason jar with the fresh beautiful flowers and top off the jar with white vinegar. (If you want to get fancy, white wine vinegar is amazing in this.) Let the jar sit in a dark place for a couple weeks. When the vinegar is a pretty pink color, it is ready to use. Strain out the blossoms and use the vinegar on everything! Its got an awesome light onion flavor, it tastes so good on salads, raw veggies or anything potato.

Let me know if you try it!


Jars ( )

Chive seeds ( )
