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March Stock Up

March has so many different holidays in many cultures so there is all sorts of basic ingredients on sale! What better time to stock up?

For holidays we have (in order) Ramadan, Purim, St Patrick’s Day, Holi, Palm Sunday and Easter. In addition to the items on the stock up list, which is fairly generic, you can also find on sale lots of dried fruits, nuts and seeds. Corned beef and cabbage should be on sale near the middle of the month (and cabbage dehydrates wonderfully). Of course with Easter there’s mountains of sweets and hopefully we will see turkey or ham be on sale.

Additionally it’s a good time to grab oxygen absorbers, candles and garden seeds.

February Stock Up Update

Even with an extra day, February went quick around here. The stock up list was smaller in February than January, so I managed to stock up on more of the list.

I got oats and breakfast cereals on sale. The oats were repackaged into mylar for long term storage. Cereal never lasts long in this house.

I took GG’s pancake recipe (here) and froze a bunch for school day breakfasts. Of course I made sure I had extra syrup.

The price of coffee seems to be different every week, and not in a good way, so I grabbed the first sale I found (and it still wasn’t a great price). I also grabbed a large bag of rice that was featured for Lunar New Year.

Check back tomorrow to see March’s stock up list.