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March Stock Update

March is nearly over! I hope everyone has had a good month full of celebrations. I’m so thankful to have a long weekend with my family.

I didn’t buy much on this stock up as any extra went towards the holiday meals and garden supplies (which count as stocking!). Here’s a quick example of some of the stuff I picked up.

The beans and lentils are quite cheap if you buy them dried and they last for a really long time if you store them properly. They’re even cheaper if you buy them in bulk, but little bags like this are perfect to pick up every time you shop as they’re only a couple dollars and they add to your stock quickly.

I like to buy our over the counter medications so that I have an open one, one on the shelf and one extra to put up then rotate through as they get used up. That way I never have to panic and run to an all night pharmacy when the kids wake up sick.

I use the same stocking system when it comes to other non perishables, such as the cleaning supplies I bought for March spring cleaning.

Its beginning to look like a greenhouse in my living room (the only place with good lighting) with seedlings and pots of dirt everywhere. I’ve also started foraging for early spring plants as they’re popping up everywhere and in large, sustainable amounts.

What did you get up to in March? Have you started seeds? Did you take advantage of the sales related to the holidays? Do you now have pounds and pounds of chocolate?

Make sure to follow us on social media to keep up with everything that doesn’t necessarily make it to the blog!

March Stock Up

March has so many different holidays in many cultures so there is all sorts of basic ingredients on sale! What better time to stock up?

For holidays we have (in order) Ramadan, Purim, St Patrick’s Day, Holi, Palm Sunday and Easter. In addition to the items on the stock up list, which is fairly generic, you can also find on sale lots of dried fruits, nuts and seeds. Corned beef and cabbage should be on sale near the middle of the month (and cabbage dehydrates wonderfully). Of course with Easter there’s mountains of sweets and hopefully we will see turkey or ham be on sale.

Additionally it’s a good time to grab oxygen absorbers, candles and garden seeds.